HAPPY VERY BELATED 2nd ANNIVERSARY, I want to celebrate it anyway..
To be honest my blog anniversary was supposedly be on January. I was actually thinking about making this month as the first anniversary as it is the month of me activating this blog again a year ago after 1,5 year of hiatus. However when I looked back to my archive I realized there are those four posts in 2012 that are too cruel to ignore.
This blog was started as the realization of my dream to 'share about beauty product that I use and tips that I know' as the result of me getting inspired by beauty youtuber Jen 'From Head To Toe' after watching many of her beauty tutorials. Well I was actually wanting to become a beauty Youtuber and attempted to make videos, which I decided to not upload due to that ticklish feeling of seeing my self in it OMG, that was embarrassing!.
However I do still have that urge of sharing those beauty stuffs! I have to! With the realization of my enjoyment on putting words into sentences I decided to shift my dream to be a Beauty Blogger and here you are scrolling my blog hhahahah..
This blog gives me to learn many new knowledge that I previously know none about. This blog also helps me figuring out what I enjoy the most: being creative. Be it make-up, graphic design, blog design, DIY and else. Through this blog I am able to develop my interest and learn deeper about it and I am so thankful about that :)
Here comes the thank you session hahhaha...
1st I would rally love to express my gratitude to Allah SWT who finally gives me an answer of who I am and what I enjoy doing the most. Everything happen because of him and all praises be for Him The Greatest The Almighty who owns everything in this world. This blog has been one of the greatest grace He gives to help me realizing my biggest dream: to bring benefit to as many people as possible and without his helps it will be nothing but a thinking. Alhamdulillah all praises to Allah SWT. Semoga tulisan dalam blog ini dapat menjadi jalan untuk mencapai ridha-Mu, amin :)
2nd part will be my family. They are the best even though they do not know much about my blogging activity but still supporting hohohoh. I am hoping one day I can surprise them with my blogging success story. Who know I will starting a business and make a living through blogging? hahhaa. I love you!
3rd my friends for always encouraging me that I am also one capable person (I have those days of lack confidence and they love to back me up over again). Always there for me, accompany, learning, experiencing, share, talking about life in general and boys in particular hahhaha I hope you all will live a life worth living :)
4th my readers wherever you are. A blog is nothing without a reader. It will only be unread sentences that are too cruel to neglect, really. A blogger thought are words as well, and listening to them through reading means a lot to a blogger like me. So big chunk of thanks for you!
My blog is just two years old and still have long way to go. However I am hoping God will still gives me the ability to raise this blog and making into a more useful one.
So thank you very much for all the supports and this will be nothing but because of God and the people I love.
Thank youu xoxo
p.s: I suppose to give a freebies or something to celebrate, but I am too tired to do so (it's night already) so let the previous freebies of 'Birthday Greeting Cards' be the one! link here
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