Personal issue: I’m not a person who can maintain long distance relationship that well

Okay, honest time and a bit of reflection time on this blog (never too bad to share personal things, aight?) So I’ve been having this personal issue for quiet sometimes: the fact that I can’t maintain long distance relationship that well. Well, it’s not about love relationship, just so you know, since I’ve never been in a long distance love relationship.
So back to the topic, this issue is particularly apply to friends and relatives. Yep, those two. To be honest I am that type of person who ‘will only text when I see you around’, which means I don’t keep much contact with those who I am not happen to see much in daily life (read: away friends and relatives). 

Exposing life is not really my thing since I would rather to keep it personal (haha introvert, aren’t I?). I am not a got-to-text-or-call each minutes person, not a very active socmed person either although in fact I have phone and socmed accounts. I barely tweet and rarely check facebook (I prefer instragram and blog instead haha).

Am I antisocial? Heck No! I like socializing and getting along with people, however observing surroundings or just simply being with those around are more preferable for me than being busy with the outer world I barely see. That is why I happened to not texting back sometimes and am have been criticized for several time regarding this behavior  (trully apologize for that, I am working on fixing it thou C:).

This habit of mine is actually bringing disadvantages since some might think that I don’t value them that much. FYI That is wrong! It is definitely not because I do not care, to be honest I often have those who are away crossing my mind. ‘what are they up to?’, ‘how are they doing?’ 

I definitely should correct this habit, shouldn’t I? 

I really am prefer to talk in person face to face rather than on socmeds or phone or skype or whatever you call that. This old fashion way is apparently works for me haha.

In the very end, I really am apologizing for my behavior of not being able to say a simple ‘Hi!’ 

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim I will try to fix and be better at not being such an ignorant, since I consider this as an important matter for others as well as myself.

Thank you very for accepting and being patience with who I am.

Oh, and thank you very much for letting your ever-flowing time used to read this post. This is a real personal post and much thank for considering peeking one. c:

 See you in the next post c:


  1. me sometime gini juga kakak :) tapi saran aku sih sesekali di sapa atau at least kita comment post-post mereka di sosmed :D well the easiest one is saying their birthday lah ya. somehow, I often get new inspiration, motivation, and opportunity trough chatting with my old friend. hihi.. dan yang pasti untuk jaga ukhuwah islamiyah :D sometime its gonna be awkward but its also gonna be addictive. happy trying :D :D :D

    1. haha iya juga ya kak ce.. aq juga males urip kayak begini jadinya kayaknya aq ga ngurus gituloh.. bismillah tak rubah sifatku iki hehehe semoga bisa lebih baik lagi.. makasih ya kak ceee mumumumumu :)))


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