Dear My Pessimistic in Words yet Optimistic in Action Lovely Person....

I know a person - to well- who has been a great inspiration throughout my whole life. A person whose words are sometimes sound pessimistic, yet the actions spoke optimistic.

You know how they say "Act speaks louder than words"?

No matter how much she tried to convince that things are impossible, that things are not always going as planned (which is sometimes true). But her actions always says "it's difficult, but it's not impossible".

She might not realize this, going by how her experiences in life told the brain to believe that things are impossible. But her heart... Her heart believes otherwise.

And with all those amygdala interventions, I prefer to choose to believe in her heart.

Dear my pessimistic in words yet optimistic in actions lovely person.. I love you to the moon and back.

One of your biggest fan since birth,
even before that.


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